Home > Books > Tales of Love, Sex and Danger

Non Fiction

Tales Of Love, Sex And Danger.(with J.Ross), (Delhi: Oxford University Press,1986), 2nd edition, 2011.

U.S.Edition (New York: Blackwell, 1988)

German translation, Ueber die Liebe (Munich:Beck Verlag, 1986)

French translation, Les Pieges de l’amour erotique (Paris: PUF, 1987)

Italian Translation, Amore, Passione, Dolore (Como: Lyra Libri, 1991)

British Edition (London: Unwin Hyman, 1987)

From Reviews

Succeeds in lighting up its subject with intelligence and tact.
The New York Times

Informative, thought-provoking and unputdownable.
India Today

lucid and elegant prose.
Indian Express